QURANICA - International Journal of Quranic Research 2024-04-25T21:36:29+08:00 Dr. Abdollatif Ahmadi Ramchahi Open Journal Systems <p align="justify"><strong>QURANICA - International Journal of Quranic Research (ISSN 2289-5396 | eISSN 2590-4167)</strong> is an international trilingual (Arabic, English &amp; Malay) peer-reviewed bi-annual journal published by Centre of Quranic Research (CQR), University of Malaya. This QURANICA journal has replaced the formerly journal known as <strong>International Journal on Quranic Research (ISSN 2180-4893)</strong>, and it has been considered as a continuation of the previously published issues. It reflects on the full range of current scholarly works on Quranic Studies. All submitted manuscripts will undergo an initial screening by an editor and then a rigorous double-blind peer-review process, and finally, editorial scrutiny. <a href="">More &gt;&gt;&gt;</a></p> Mechanisms of Obedience in the Holy Quran: A Study Based on Cultural and Ethnic Semantics and Albert Bandura's Social Cognitive Theory 2024-04-25T20:03:20+08:00 Mohammad Ali Mohseni Mn171357@Gmail.Com <p>High-frequency words in the Holy Quran adhere to the fundamental meaning of physical obedience and subservience, thus becoming embedded within the God-centered semantic network of the Quran. Within the mechanism of obedience, both the obedient and the obeyed, along with the context of obedience, constitute active elements, while human destiny remains the passive element. The context of obedience encompasses the entirety of religious concepts. Within the discourse of obedience, "knowledge" stands as the paramount keyword, guiding humanity towards the path of learning and education. By employing the mechanism of obedience based on observation, the Almighty God imparts His divine message to both humanity and jinn. "The Exemplary Conduct" stands as an integral concept within the discourse of obedience, and its defining characteristics serve as the criteria for distinguishing between commendable and reprehensible obedience. The innovation and creativity of future generations are also evaluated in light of this paradigm.</p> 2024-04-25T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 A Critical Examination of the Concept of Arabicness in the Holy Quran 2024-04-25T20:14:08+08:00 Muhammad Amin Amini Amini2750@Gmail.Com Muhammad Abu Najmi Arefaboonajmi@Gmail.Com‬‏ <p>The Qur'an stands as the ultimate celestial scripture, revealed in the Arabic language to a prophet residing in the Arabian Peninsula. Subsequent to the advent of Prophet Muhammad, no other prophet has emerged nor will emerge. Consequently, the message of the Quran will endure as long as the Earth exists. The Quran repeatedly employs the term "Arabicity" in its self-description and characterization. Most Islamic exegetes interpret this designation as implying the Arabic language as the medium of the Quran's revelation. In light of the etymological roots of the term "Arabic," this interpretation seems far-fetched. Such an understanding of the Quran's Arabic nature leads to the misinterpretation of several Quranic concepts and has caused some to believe that the Quran's audience is solely Arabic speakers. This essay, by consulting early Islamic lexicographical sources and examining numerous verses, demonstrates that "Arabicness" in the context of the Quran signifies clarity, elucidation, eloquence, impeccability, and freedom from ambiguity and complexity in its message.</p> 2024-04-25T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Quranic Strategies for Treating Depression: A Focus on the Stories of Jacob and Mary 2024-04-25T20:30:03+08:00 Maryam Shaeri Msh45683@Gmail.Com Iman Kanani Imankanani57@Gmail.Com <p>Depression is one of the most prevalent mood disorders, causing significant adverse effects on individuals' mental health and daily life. Religions, especially Islam, have historically prioritized fostering inner and social peace and balance, as well as promoting mental well-being. However, a review of existing research on depression in the Holy Quran suggests a gap in scholarship. Many researchers haven't given sufficient attention or in-depth analysis to this crucial topic and the potential Quranic solutions for treatment. This paper delves into the identification and analysis of the type of depression depicted in the stories of Prophet Jacob and Mary, and explores the psychological remedies offered by the Quran for its treatment.</p> 2024-04-25T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 A Linguistic Analysis of Surah Al-Nazi'at Based on Roman Jakobson's Model of Communication 2024-04-25T20:38:59+08:00 Mansor Homirany Mansorhomirany3137@gmail.Com <p>Recent linguistic approaches, particularly textual studies and the analysis of textual context and function, have provided researchers with a treasure trove of prominent theoretical elements and concepts for the study of the Qur'an. One of the important linguistic tools in the Quran is the identification of communicative patterns based on Jakobson's theory. This study aims to analyze a portion of the verses of Surah Nazi'at from various perspectives by employing Jakobson's communication theory and applying an analytical-descriptive method. The study also seeks to extract the practical applications of the concepts embedded within the Surah. The dominant pattern of communication in the verses of this Surah is characterized by the emphasis and warning of the God directed towards the transgressors and those who deny the Resurrection. In light of the Surah's purpose and context, an emphasis on persuasion and reference is evident, while literary function is employed to a lesser extent.</p> 2024-04-25T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Discontinuity or Continuity of Quranic Verses: Richard Bell's Theory 2024-04-25T20:44:37+08:00 Saeid Edalat Nejad‬‏ <p>Richard Bell (1876-1952), a Scottish Islamic scholar and professor at the University of Edinburgh, was among the rare non-Muslim researchers who extended his studies beyond a purely historical examination of the Quran. He has conducted comprehensive research on the Quran from various literary, content-based, and interpretative perspectives. The more we delve into his accomplishments, the more we are impressed by his immense dedication and remarkable creativity, regardless of whether we agree with his findings or not. In addressing several critical issues in Quranic understanding, including the continuity or discontinuity of verses, he proposed multiple hypotheses and arrived at theories based on his own evidence. This paper delves into the innovative approach of Richard Bell to Quranic studies. It begins by providing a concise overview of his groundbreaking hypotheses and theories regarding the revelation, compilation, and codification of the Holy Quran. Subsequently, the paper examines Bell's methodology for dating Quranic verses. To highlight the significance of Bell's contributions, the paper presents examples of his proposals for establishing meaningful connections between seemingly disjointed verses within the Quranic text. Bell incorporates all his proposed semantic connections between verses in his translation of the Quran. Interested readers can consult his work and compare his suggestions with those offered by Muslim commentators in the margins of these same verses, a tradition as old as Quranic interpretation itself.</p> 2024-04-25T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Pillars and Methods of Discourse and Persuasion in the Holy Quran 2024-04-25T20:49:44+08:00 Ibrahim Ostaie Ebrahimostaie@Gmail.Com <p>Proficiency in discourse and reasoning serves as a guarantee of human success in social life. The primary purpose of the Quran is to guide and establish communication with humanity. However, a crucial question arises: to what extent does understanding the audience influence the manner of engaging in dialogue with them? This paper aims to identify the audiences of the Quran and examine the methods of discourse, reasoning, and persuasion employed to address them, utilizing a descriptive-analytical approach and focusing on the Quranic discourse techniques. The Quran, in its pursuit of effective communication, emphasizes the characteristics of the message and the messenger, recognizing audience understanding as the cornerstone of successful message transmission. Indeed, the selection of effective communication methods is rendered meaningless without a deep understanding of the audience's perspectives and thought processes.</p> 2024-04-25T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Analyzing the Employment of Recitation of God's Names, Attributes, and Prayers in the Tafsir of “ Kashf al-Asrār wa ʻIdatu al-Abrār” 2024-04-25T21:27:47+08:00 Iman Kanani Imankanani57@Gmail.Com Elyas Zarei Elyas1364.Ez@Gmail.Com <p>Abū ʾl-Faḍl Rashīd al-Dīn Maybudī (ca. 1045-1126 CE) was a prominent Sunni Persian Sufi scholar, exegete, and author. Among the mystical or Sufi commentaries on the Quran, Abū ʾl-Faḍl Rashīd al-Dīn Maybudī's Kashf al-Asrār wa ʻIdatu al-Abrār stands out as a relatively lesser-known work within the broader corpus of Islamic scholarship. This article explores the life and works of Shaykh ʿAbd al-Qādir al-Mībdī, with a particular focus on the mystical methodology he employed within his influential Qur'anic commentary, Kashf al-Asrār and ʿUdda al-Abrār. Specifically, it examines how al-Mībdī utilized invocations, Recitation of God's Names (munājāt), glorification, Attributes (tasbīḥ), and praise (taḥmīd) in his exegesis. The methodology adopted in this study is inductive-analytical.</p> 2024-04-25T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Antithetical Vocabulary in the Holy Quran: From Affirmation to Refutation 2024-04-25T20:59:38+08:00 Ibrahim Zareifar ‏‪Zareifar@Yahoo.Com Sayed Ahmad Gharibi Ahmadsayed1392@Gmail.Com <p>Antithetical Vocabularies have long been a subject of study among Arabic linguists, representing a significant phenomenon within the Arabic language. The presence or absence of this phenomenon in the Holy Quran has prompted extensive research among linguists. While some have established its existence within the Quranic text, others have sought to refute its presence. Despite extensive research, the definitive confirmation or denial of this linguistic phenomenon remains elusive. While some scholars have identified approximately 150 antithetical pairs within the Quranic text, others vehemently deny the existence of such vocabulary not only in the Quran but also in the Arabic language as a whole. It appears that both groups have fallen into extremes in their interpretation of the concept of "antithetical vocabulary." The first group, without considering the necessary conditions and characteristics, has categorized any word with two opposing meanings as an instance of antithetical vocabulary, while the second group has solely focused on the logical aspect of its definition, deeming the combination of two opposites impossible. An analysis of the vocabulary categorized as "antithetical" in the Quran reveals that many words classified under this label do not meet the necessary criteria for inclusion, significantly reducing the actual number of "antithetical" words in the Quranic text. Nevertheless, definitively determining whether even the remaining number of words can be categorized as "antithetical" remains challenging. The existing disagreement surrounding "antithetical" vocabulary stems from the definition and criteria associated with this concept, not from the very existence of such words in the Arabic language, which is generally acknowledged.</p> 2024-04-25T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024